please, help content creators


with tumblr’s no-more-n.sfw purge already going strong, randomly flagging image posts just for containing a colour that resembles bare skin, we gotta have each others’ backs here, folks!!

if you come across posts that have been flagged even tho they are completely PG, let their creators know, please!!

because despite what they are saying, i have yet to receive a single
email notices

from tumblr about the 5 newly flagged posts of mine, and it’s been the same for other artists and gifmakers i’ve contacted since last night after noticing something of their’s had been flagged.

they flag posts, but they do NOT (yet? always? ever?) tell creators about it!

having our creators’ backs is especially important for those who have attached their work to reblogs of already existing post, e.g. creator sees image post that inspires them to write something (fictional or non-fictional)

or create artwork in response to the image, then reblogs original image posts and adds their work in the captions to it -im sorry i cant find better examples right now, but i know response works like the ones link here exist for n.sfw posts as well-, bcos they will never get notified by tumblr since the original posts aren’t their own, but their reblogs containing new works will disappear nevertheless